At oneTILT, we work to ensure all schools and organizations are inclusive for every adult, every student, every human — regardless of their race, gender, citizenship status, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or ability. We recommit to this work every morning not because it’s good “business”, not just because it leads to better academic options, but because cultivating inclusion is fundamentally what our humanity deserves. When we see an act of dehumanization occurring in schools and organizations, we train our partners to speak up. So today, we are doing the same. We are disgusted and outraged at the acts occurring at our border. The separation of families is unequivocally unjust and inhumane.
Today, we’re asking you, our oneTILT community, to join us in standing up against hate. You all are part of this community because you believe in a just, inclusive public education system. Please join us in an opportunity to do one tiny inclusive little thing. Just one TILT. We recommend considering the following:
- Find events and sign the petition. Check out the extensive opportunities that Families Belong Together has organized.
- Join, follow, and donate to The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES).
- Give your representative a ring. Check out these easy steps to make your voice heard. All you have to do is type in your zip code, look over the script, and make a quick call.
- Take 2 minutes to read this curated list of many organizations and opportunities committed to fighting against family separation.
We are speaking up, because what is going on at our border is a despicable violation of human rights. We’re speaking up, because this hits too close to home — Kimberly’s father came to the United States as a refugee as a boy, and Andrew’s grandmother has roots in Nazi Germany — but that shouldn’t be the reason why we speak up. We should speak up for the simple fact that children and families at the border deserve their humanity to be acknowledged, affirmed, and upheld. Period.
If you are committed to one tiny inclusive little thing to support children and families at the border, like and share this post. Feel free to share your oneTILTs and other ideas in the comment section.
Kimberly & Andrew, oneTILT